About Me

Shepherd Family - callieshepherd.com

Hi! I’m Callie Shepherd, lover of my precious family, the outdoors, all things crunchy and natural, morning cups of English Breakfast, a cozy sweater, dark chocolate, and watching the warm sunlight filter through the trees in our chicken-filled yard. I am wife to Jeremy (the handiest guy on the planet) and mom to three littles: Jeremy Jr (7), Ella (5) and Avery (3.5). Jeremy and I run an incredibly blessed and thriving part-time home business which brought Jeremy home from his corporate job and keeps our family tight as we rock our days together.

Health, wellness, homeschooling, and inspiring those around me to live joy-filled lives of purpose and abundance is a huge part of my calling and this site is a place for me to share the things that are on my mind and heart.

This is a place of accountability for me, too – the areas that I focus on here are the precise areas in my personal life that slide to the back burner all too often and are the things that I want to keep front and center for myself. Sharing them with you is a wonderful way to keep them top priority for me!
I am not a purist – you’ll see ideas and suggestions that can and are done “better” by others who have strengths in areas that I do not! This is just an offering of what’s working for me and my family for this season.

So, let it be known that I do not have it all figured out, but I want to share my journey with you and we can do this life-juggling act together and enjoy each step along the way!

Thank you for joining me – I pray that this place is an encouragement to you to take small baby steps each day toward loving your family well, putting good things on the table, and unlocking and enjoying the life God has created you to live.

A hug to you,


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